An inconceivable reality.

In many African countries, thousands of people with albinism are considered unearthly beings; they are discriminated against, harassed and persecuted because of the colour of their skin. They live in isolation, in extreme poverty and, because of the scorching equatorial sun, have a maximum life expectancy of merely 30 years. They are least among all others. For further information



Ombra Bianca il libro

Then She Was Born, the novel.

Based on an inconceivable reality for many in the world today, Then She Was Born combines the drama and redemption of Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner with the spirituality of Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist.



Give and Receive.

Look for the sentence read by your favorite Testimonial and follow her/his example by lending your own voice; you will receive an audio file with her/his voice. Read a sentence here. By lending your voice you will contribute to the creation of the first ever Social Audio Book (S.A.B.) and your place in the Guinness World Record. For further information




The Social Audio Book- S.A.B.

Express your kinship with Africans with albinism and help others understand their inhuman living conditions. Through a simple act of kindness, you can lend your voice to those whose voices are unheeded. The more people who participate, the better our voices can be heard! All it takes is a Facebook, Twitter or email account. For further information